Zero lice emissions in salmon farming
A petition signed by
The Norwegian wild salmon is in an alarming condition. If we do not act now, our children and grandchildren will never experience this magnificent fish.
Three of the four biggest threats to wild salmon are caused by salmon farming:
The sole reason for this is the production of farmed salmon in open net pens in Norwegian fjords.
We are now seeing a historic low for Norwegian salmon.
Climate change amplifies the negative effects of these threats. This was made abundantly clear this summer when 33 of our most iconic salmon rivers were closed.
To the Politicians
You are now addressing new regulations for aquaculture. Ensure a transition to Zero lice emission pens in the near future. If not, our wild salmon will end up on the list of extinct species.
Do you want that to happen under your watch?
There is broad support for the petition demanding closed pens from mayors in municipalities affected by open net pens.
The undersigned endorsement reflects the personal opinions of the mayors. The campaign text has not been reviewed or approved by the elected bodies of the municipalities.
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